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Regulatory Information

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, 2005 (England and Wales) is designed to provide a minimum fire safety standard in all non-domestic premises (with a few exceptions).

A responsible person must be designated to carry out risk assessments and oversee the fire safety within a building.

Building Regulations


Building Regulations (England and Wales), Section 2 of the Scottish Technical Handbooks and Technical Booklet E to the Building Regulations (Northern Ireland).


Approved Document B to the building regulations details the requirements for fire and smoke containment


Approved Document E to the building regulations calls for a minimum acoustic performance for doors of 29 dB Rw and 30 dB Rw in schools.


Approved Document M to the building regulations gives guidance on accessibility in buildings, including requirements for glazed apertures in fire doors.


Testing Standards / Codes of Practice

BS EN 1634-1 and BS 476: Part 22 give details on how to test building elements such as doors, fire screens and partitions.


BS EN 1634-3 and BS 476 Part 31.1 give details on the smoke testing of fire doors.


BS 9999 – Code of practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings sets out fire and smoke performance requirements for door assemblies, using the above tests


BS 8214 – Code of practice for fire door assemblies. The recently revised standard gives recommendations for the specification, installation and maintenance of timber based fire doors.

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